West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee lost her cool again on Wednesday when a reporter told her that life in the state was partially hit by the 48-hour strike called by central trade unions.
"You are from which media house? You belong to a particular media house that is why you are asking such questions. Please go and check the markets," Banerjee retorted after the reporter told her that shops and markets were closed and the majority of buses and taxis were off the roads.
"Have you come here to give your party's views? ... You are crossing your limit," she said when the reporter argued.
"You can express your views according to your (newspaper's) policy. This is your business," she said.
"Many from CPM channels come here. But I never ask that they be shoved out by the neck," she said.
Recently, the chief minister had told her security that he should be whipped when she could not find her car after visiting the Kolkata Book Fair.
She had also threatened to slap a photographer at the recent 'Mati Utsav' (Earth Festival).
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